Sunday, May 28, 2006

Invocation For Anniversary

De Benedetti

Four in four is a quick look but serious, four impressions compared to various situations: Four

jobs I've had
- Extra in a commercial
- Sell
candy at school - Wash cars on the houses near mine
- Sell used clothes

Four films to repeat
- Back to the Future 1
Braveheart - The Pledge
- Tango Feroz

Four places I have lived
- Viña del Mar
- Santiago
- Just

Four TV shows I watch
- Lost
- Live Here
- Head and Seal
- Women Who Kill

Four places I've been on vacation and I would go back
- Morrillos
- Pucón
- Isla Margarita
- Cordoba

Four favorite foods - lasagna
Lomo a lo Pobre - baked ribs with chili
- Rice grapes (I tried it recently and is amazing)

Four sites I visit every day
- My blog
- My mail
- My room
- My bathroom

Four places where I would be now
- in a restaurant eating something rich
- At the movies
- In a concert unplag
- In a white sand beach

Four jobs I would like to have (leaving my profession aside)
- Singer
- Actor
- Musician
- Four famous footballer

I have known - do not know any

Four meals I hate
- The Garbansos
- Everything else goes piola Four

appliances that I have unusual
- Out of the ordinary either. Four

possible impressions that I
- Heavy (dense)
- Believed (broken)
- Awake (live)
- Quick

Four favorite drinks - very cold beer
- Pisco with white drink
- A good white wine, fruity, chilly
- Vodka Tonic (to name a room)

Four people I'd like to know
- Albert Einstein
- Jesus
- Elvis Presley
- Martin Luther King

Four moments that remain in my memory
- The First Kiss
- When I fired my second paste
- When my ex I made from your home
- Can not have

Four things I would forget
- When I fired my second paste
- When my ex I made from your home
- The "goodbye" to two women
- have been as pie to someone

Four women who want to forget
- No, each contributed his

Four smells that I say something
- cream (any) female body
- freshly baked bread
- wet grass with soil
- Tue

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

How Long Do People With Dementia Live

Four Four Women

is my favorite writer Mario Benedetti. I know that nobody asked me, maybe nobody cares, that maybe is a little repeated ... but I do not care.

And I like it because it is simple, because it is complicated because it is easy to understand, because use the word difficult, such that no one understands, because it is unusual because it is sincere, because it is consistent, because it taught me was very imortante someone in my life because it carries many fond memories, because it makes me think because I believe in him, because.

I would say that I have read almost all his poems, and there are four that I like, and would like to share with you blog:


No church father has been able to explain

why there is a command to order
eleven women

man not covet your neighbor

afraid I have to see

need to see hope to see you see
annoyances. I have wanted to find you

concern certainty
find you find you find you doubt
poor. I have an urgent

joy to hear you good luck
hear hear hear
and fears.
is, I'm fucked

summarizing and radiant

perhaps more the former than the latter

and vice versa.

Tactics and Strategy

My tactic is to look at you as you are learning

love you as you are.

My tactic is to talk and listen

build with words an indestructible bridge.

My tactic is to stay in your memory
I do not know how or what pretext

but stay in you. My tactic is

be frank and candid
know that you are and we do not sell drills

for the two

no curtain or depths. My strategy is


deeper and more simple. My strategy is

that one day I do not know how or what pretext

finally need me.

Let's make a deal

When you feel your wound bleed when you feel your voice

count me sob.
(from a song by Carlos Puebla)


you know you can count on me,
not until two or ten
but count on me. If sometimes

warns that look in your eyes, and a streak

recognizes love in mine,

not alert their guns or think that I rave;
despite the grain,
or perhaps because there ,

you can count on me. If

sometimes find me aloof
no reason,
not think it is laziness
can still count on me.
But let's make a deal:
I would like to have you, so cute

know that you exist, one feels alive
and when I say this I mean

even count to two,
even five.
and not to go
hurried to my aid, but to know

for sure that you know you can count on me