Monday, October 11, 2010

Rom Fire Red Nintendo Ds Mac

Results based learning environments in interactive simulation

ELIZA is a program developed by Joseph Weinzembaum that mimics natural human speech. In short, it is not true, not as human as it sounds but when you meet her
first feel that you understand half
Doctor. It was very funny at first because the program seems to understand everything that means we speak, in reality we humans believe that the machine understands us, that the other side is an intelligent interlocutor. always been a technical desire to believe that a machine can have enough intelligence to respond with logic and practical test questions to be delivered. An interesting example is the computer film "The Fly" in 1986 , when the scientist Seth Brundle computer asks your lab on issues that concern you after having tested the teleportation machine when he discovers who has combined his DNA with a fly that accidentally entered with him into the machine and turn it into a monster.

Seth Brundle:
[enter] If the parent is Brundle, which is the child?



secondary is not

Seth Brundle:
sequence of execution.

: [child element is identified as a fly] Seth Brundle : [escribe] Si el elemento secundario una mosca, que pasó con la mosca?  
: Fusión. Seth Brundle: [escribir] ¿Hubo asimilación?

¿ Brundle absorbió la mosca ?  

Computadora : Negative. Fusion of Brundle and the fly-molecular genetic level.

... Can machines excel to the point that they become consultants? Apparently yes. The fact of living in the world of 2010 that is controlled by computers "not so smart" shows dependence of our daily activities. If the machine is able to formulate practical advice based on the analysis of a vast network of databases contained in the world, is unlikely to achieve an argument that contradicts reason. Maybe people eventually tired of the treachery and sincere friendships, search for these beings to protect his solitude, a solitude more bearable if you make the other person on the other side as the "alter ego." ELIZA code in JavaScript.
original code (adapted?) Is written in BASIC


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